
Unsent Letters

Unsent Letters

First site I made. Displays an anonymous random letter (from as if it were typed live.

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3D printed Majora's Mask

3D printed Majora's Mask

Contains a rapsberry pi and 110 leds. Projects still under development.

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I18n fork du starter Tailwind Nextjs Theme

I18n fork du starter Tailwind Nextjs Theme

Fork of the excellent blog starter Tailwind Nextjs from timlrx, implementing localization via next-translate. This blog is based on this fork.

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ROS compatible Path-planner PRM

ROS compatible Path-planner PRM

PRM Path-planner in python for robots like turtlebot. Compatible with ROS 1 & configurable with rosconfig.

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Torque-based methodology and experimental implementation for industrial robot standby pose optimization

Torque-based methodology and experimental implementation for industrial robot standby pose optimization

Co-author of this paper. Abstract: This manuscript reports on a novel methodology and experimental implementation for industrial robot standby pose optimization.

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